About Round Table Brewery

Our Mission

Established in 2023 in the Garner Art Center, Round Table Brewery is a project that evolved from the more than 30 year friendship of Ricardo, Javier, and Maria Jose. The thread that held them together was hosting spontaneous asados (Argentinian BBQs) with no shortage of good drinks and homemade food. Along the way they developed a passion for craft beer; specifically the community and the culture of sharing that came along with it. Their hope is that this brewery can be a gathering place for people from all walks of life.

We chose the name Round Table Brewery because the imagery of sitting at a round table — nobody at the head, and all equal — encapsulated the type of space we want to cultivate. We seek to create an environment that is reflective of our own home. Wherever we’ve lived our house has been the place where friends and family have come to congregate and feel comfortable. The idea of community is at the center of what we do and we feel that a brewery, at its best, can be a gathering point.

The camaraderie and openness we’ve experienced over the years in the craft beer community inspired us to want to create our own place. When the opportunity to take the space in the Garner Arts Center presented itself, we knew it was in line with what we wanted to do. Being in the middle of a budding scene of creativity inspires us and we love being a part of a greater community that attracts people to come to where we are.

The three owners and founders of Round Table Brewery
Brewer working nearby brewing equipment
Brewer working nearby brewing equipment
Beer with a bottle in the back
Bunch of beers aligned

Our Beer

Our focus in brewing is on striking a balance between precision with flavor on one hand and character on the other. Our style is not to create a beer that is polarizing or novel, but one that is inviting and memorable. This is not an easy task and it’s one that is a constant process.

For us, creativity comes alive in the process of refining a recipe over time rather than reinventing the wheel. Every batch of beer, even if you’ve brewed it a thousand times, has lessons worth learning. We try to approach our beers as though they were a living project, not a fixed idea.

Having ridden the huge craft beer wave in the mid 2010s with breweries competing to make the next new release, Ricardo wanted to make beers that we come back to because we like drinking them and not because of their novelty. In that sense, Round Table Brewery focuses on a limited set of core beers that will showcase mixed fermentation beers but span into IPAs and stouts as well. We are particularly proud of our wild ales program that includes barrel aging and real fruit fermentations.

Sustainable Water Usage

Round Table Brewery’s wastewater treatment process is essential for environmental sustainability and regulatory compliance. The brewery’s wastewater, which contains organic materials, sanitizing chemicals, and other byproducts of the brewing process, needs to be treated before being discharged.

The Hudson Valley, while a beautiful region, has the unfortunate honour of having some of the most polluted water in the country. Instead of being part of the problem or waiting for further regulations, Round Table Brewery opened with clean and sustainable business practices right from the start. To meet their wastewater goals, they called on Econse for innovative technologies that empower them to minimize expenses, reduce environmental impact, and grow sustainably.

“Operating sustainably certainly isn’t the simplest choice, but in our mind it was the only choice,” says Ricardo Petroni, of Round Table Brewery. “We’re part of this community, so protecting its resources is a responsibility we take seriously. When it came to our wastewater, Econse was the perfect choice. Their system fits in the brewery, is simple to operate, and allows us to produce great beer without negatively impacting water in the region.”

Round Table Brewery has big plans for future growth, and the BrüClean System is able to grow with them. It is a scalable solution, making it ideal for start-up and established craft brewers, regardless of whether they’re on a septic or municipal water system.

Brewery employee using the sustainable water machine

Meet the Team

  • Ricardo Petroni


  • Javier Laurini


  • Maria Jose Vasena


  • Vincent Petroni


  • Valentina Petroni